VI Edition - Theses and International Education division

Granting Ceremony

Wednesday, 22nd March 2017

Palazzo Tassoni Estense – Ferrara University, Department of Architecture

The winners and honourable mentions of the International Prize for Architectural Restoration, for this year dedicated to Undergraduate, Graduate, Master, PhD, and Graduate School Theses and to the International Education section introduced from this edition on,  were announced on 22nd March 2017 in Ferrara in connection with the inaugural of the XXIV edition of Salone del Restauro-Musei Fair.

The ceremony is seen as an important discussion and sharing opportunity on the overarching themes of architectural restoration and urban renewal, focusing on projects deemed worthy of note by the jury due to their demonstration of personal and aware interpretation of conservative principles. In this sixth edition just ended, 90 Theses projects from Departments all over Italy and some eminent foreign institutions were presented and 14 Universities applied for their contribution in the field of international education, pursued mainly through collective contributions of courses/laboratories/workshops held outside Italy.

The granting ceremony was held under patronage of Comune di Ferrara, Ordine degli Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti e Conservatori di Ferrara, Fondazione degli Architetti di Ferrara and Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti e Conservatori.

Il Restauro Consapevole.

'Scuole' e percorsi formativi a confronto

Presentation of winning projects of the International Prize for Architectural Restoration "Fassa Bortolo Domus Restoration and Preservation” - Sixth edition

Thursday 23rd March 2017

Salone del Restauro-Musei - Ferrara Fair

The winning projects have been shown on 23rd March 2017 at the Salone del Restauro-Musei, Ferrara Fair, through Theses Supervisors direct speeches during the conference “Il Restauro Consapevole”. All the competing projects have been exhibited during the fair.



- Fortified architecture in Puglia: the Norman Castle of Ginosa

Antonio Albanese, Federica Allegretti, Carla Castellana, Angela Colamonico, Federica Fiorio, Martino Marasciulo – Prof. Rossella de Cadilhac, Politecnico di Bari

- Casale Teverolaccio (CE) - Analysis, research and design for conservation and re-use

Daniela Di Florio, Mariella Tieri - Prof. Claudio Varagnoli, Università degli Studi “G. D’annunzio”, Chieti - Pescara

- The Micul Trianon in Floresti, project of the restoration and re-use of the Cantacuzino mansion

Maria Chiara Lovisetto, Enrico Toniato – Prof. Sara Di Resta, Università IUAV di Venezia



- A castle and its landscape: conservation and valorisation of the ruins of Coriano castle

Francesca Galli, Chiara Magnani, Daphne Zenoni – Prof. Andrea Ugolini, Univeristà di Bologna

- Landscape reconfiguration and architectural restoration of Cervinara castle (AV)

Gian Marco Prisco – Prof. Valentina Russo, Prof. Pasquale Miano, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”

- Restoration of the San Francesco Church in San Giovanni in Persiceto

Livia Travaglini – Prof. Claudio Galli, Univeristà di Bologna


The Jury

Riccardo Dalla Negra (Chairman)

Marcello Balzani (Secretary)

Maria Adriana Giusti

Maria Piccarreta

Javier Gallego Roca