Awarded Built Projects 2023
Gold Medal Ex Aequo
Restoration of the former of Sant’Agostino church
BS|A studio di architettura
Contractor: Benis Costruzioni s.r.l.
Restoration of the Santa Maria Assunta church in the Lamadacqua District
Piernicola C. Intini e Pietro Intini
Contractor: L’Edil Ciccone s.r.l.
Silver Medal Ex Aequo
Restoration of the Calig Tower
Fernando Vegas & Camilla Mileto
Contractor: Tarma Restauración & Patrimonio
Conservation of Palay House and cultural regeneration & adaptive re-use of Old Phey in Ladakh
Field Architects
Built in self-construction
Restoration of the San Francesco del Prato church
Giorgio della Longa, Giovanni Cangi e Davide Massera
Contractor: EDILCORRADI s.n.c. di Corradi Giuseppe e C. e
ARCHE’ RESTAURI s.n.c. di Silvia Simeti e Stefano Volta
Honorable Mentions
Palazzo Bosco Lucarelli, formerly known as dell’Aquila
René Bozzella
Contractor: Maturo Costruzioni s.r.l.
Restoration and Functional Enhancement of the Former of Sant’Agata’s convent
Paolo Belloni, Angelo Colleoni, Melania Licini
Contractor: Cividini Ing. e Co. s.r.l.
Restoration of Karnikara Mandapam Kunnamangalam Bhagwati Temple
EZHA TEAM - Swathy Subramanian, Savita Rajan e Ritu Sara Thomas
Contractor: Mr. Chithresh Kumar P.T. – maestro falegname
Fassa Bortolo Special Prize Ex Aequo
Palazzo Provenzali: restoration and housing transformations
Alberto Ferraresi
Contractor: B.A. lavori edili